Friday, October 28, 2011

Fashion Weeks

With many Fashion Weeks around the world come and gone, designers of men’s underwear have been extra busy showing off their collections of underwear. From Tokyo to Milan to New York City, male models have been walking down the catwalk on countless days with so many different types of underwear. From traditional underwear to more untraditional undies, we have seen them all.

            As a result of a growing trend in male skivvies, we have seen more designers from around the fashion world create male underwear and showing them off at the Fashion Weeks. It has become more and more competitive with the rise of more designers, who have entered the field. Hence, the increase in competition, can only be beneficial for the men. The men will have a better selection in underwear.

As we can see, men’s underwear is becoming as important as women’s underwear. After all, the men deserve it! Don’t you think?

- Carlo


  1. Obviously everyone knows about the Victoria Secret fashion show because it is televised every year. But underwear fashion shows have been around for a while and are a great (and SEXY) way to promote a brand.

  2. So true, no longer are underwear fashion a women's privilege, men are now also as much concerned with what they wear than women. We can almost say that the whole macho "work hard like a man, smell like a man, dress like a man" is no longer feasible in this era. Presently, much is focused on how one presents themselves, hence why this fashion trend is increasing.

  3. Like how men's fashion show are gaining importance at these fashion weeks. AWESOME!!
